Tuesday, March 31, 2009

American Idol

As you may or may not know, I'm a fan of American Idol. So since I'm bored right now and have nothing else to blog about, I figured I'll just talk about idol. I'd say my favorites so far this season are Danny, Allison, Adam, Matt, and Kris...I think I like Danny the most. They're all pretty good though, except Scott and Anoop...they are both decent but I really don't like either of them. I still haven't figured out who I think will go home this week...so far I'm 4 for 4 of picking who's going home so the pressure is on. I'm leaning towards Megan right now...I like her voice but I think she'll be gone...but my guess might change...we'll see

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scary Mary

I love this video! They should make this into a real movie...i'd watch it. And I'm sure it would be much better than the original Mary Poppins movie...definitely more entertaining!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my first blog post...

So I'm trying out this blog thing. I really don't know if I'll use it often, but we'll see. I don't have that exciting of a life to talk about and I don't typically come up with great insightful things to share with the world...but we'll see how it goes.