I've had an internship at Fox Valley Christian Church in Batavia, IL over the past school year. I work with the student ministry, mainly in charge of leading worship. Yesterday was my last Sunday working there for the year, and as much as I'm looking forward to summer and getting home, I'm gonna miss working out there. I gotta thank Jim (the student minister - you can check out his blog) for letting me work with him and crash at his place on Sundays...he's really taught me a lot and I've had a good time working with him.
I didn't know what to expect at the beginning of the year when I started the internship. I felt like I was in the right place with everything working out with Trinity Christian College and then the internship, but I was kinda nervous because I had never really led worship by myself before. I've played in worship bands for awhile, but never by myself...especially singing. There were some ups and downs, but I think overall things went really well for my first year. I've still got a lot of stuff to learn, but I really looking forward to getting back at it in the fall. Can't wait to see what God's got in store for next year...
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